Creating Space

What do we mean by creating space? Well space is an area that is ‘free’ or ‘unoccupied’. The opposite of this is ‘limited’ or something with ‘constraints’. Creating is otherwise known as ‘bringing about’ or ‘making’. So, in creating space we are bringing about freedom. We open and we create availability. You can do this with time, energy, physical space and more.

Creating space is often a term used in yoga without much explanation of what it means. Creating space can mean becoming more present to what is already in our lives then clearing out what doesn’t leave us feeling positive, light, and at peace from one moment to the next. We might create space by decluttering our living spaces or relieving tension from our muscles. We might create space through letting go of thoughts and feelings that are holding us back. By creating space, we allow the new to come in. When we create space we learn flexibility mentally and physically. Let go of what doesn’t serve you.


We can of course make room in your joints. This is often what yoga teachers are referring to. In a healthy joint, space exists between the individual bones that make up the joint. Joint space is maintained by tough, smooth cartilage that covers the bone surface. Stretching improves the range of motion we have in our joints by lengthening the muscles. By moving joints, we also lubricate the moving parts and remove waste in unwanted areas.

Our skeletal system is the chief limit setter for how much openness we can find in an area. Bone may be pushed on bone to create more openness but to no avail. Our natural structure will set our opportunities and our limits. For example, the shoulder has the possibility of more openness than the hip. The top of the neck has more openness than the base of the spine. It is important that the body is this way for it to function. We must not push to go beyond what is possible and necessary. So, we find openness within reason.

We don’t want to create openness where it’s not needed. For example, hypermobility is more sensibly met with strengthening/tightening to bring more restriction and therefore stability to a joint. Our ligaments are the Sellotape of the body, keeping all the bones stuck together. Ligaments will tear when stretched over their natural capacity (6% of their normal length). When its needed, our bodies do it e.g. in child birth, the ligaments around the hips joints relax creating more space. If you’re meeting resistance, instability or pain then listen to your body.

Interestingly we don’t always notice the space we have in our bodies. We tend to notice the space we don’t have. We also only really know what space is because of limits. Like light and dark, we don’t know what one is without the other. See if you can notice the space you already have and then find ways to create more healthy space in your life!